Thwarting healthcare cyberattacks: New Guidance

Federal regulators have issued new guidance urging healthcare organizations and business associates to bolster their cyberattack defenses. The advice comes after several high-profile attacks, including one targeting MedStar Health that forced the 10-hospital system to...

Ever been in these social engineering situations?

You could be next. Take a look at these examples of how a security consultant was recently hired to infiltrate a company’s buildings and networks – mirroring a crook’s social engineering attempts to get at sensitive personal and corporate data. This was all done...

How to respond to ransomware threats

It all depends upon your level of risk and how badly you want the data returned to you unharmed. Ransomware is obviously analogous to kidnapping, and dealing with the perpetrators can feel much like negotiating with a jumper standing on the edge of high-rise roof. The...

Cloud Survival Guide: 3 Tips For CISOs

To thrive in the cloud era, CISOs must refashion their roles as business enablers, adopt automation wherever possible, and go back to the basics on security hygiene. We’re undergoing one of the biggest transformational changes in IT since the introduction of the...

Security spring cleaning time

As new security threats continue to emerge and security teams find themselves stuck in the cycle of piling on new products and policies each time they receive an alert notification, true functions of security programs get lost in the clutter. As melting snow and...